Serenity (english)


Stress, anxiety and emotional in-balance strain body and soul. Throughout the course of this self-hypnosis trance you will be guided into a deep state of relaxation which feels like daydreaming or snoozing to the point of having slept for a while – all accompanied by calm and peaceful music.

Your unconscious abilities for deep relaxation and mental balance are activated and triggered to achieve a state of serenity and harmony in your everyday life and relationships.

At the end you are guided back carefully and completely into your regular state of consciousness.

Lenght: 41:46 Min.
Published in: 2016


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Über den Autor

Werner Eberwein, geb. 1955; Diplom-Psychologe, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut in Berlin-Kreuzberg seit 1984; Ausbildungen u.a. in Körperpsychotherapie, Hypnose/Hypnotherapie, NLP, Tiefenpsychologie, Verhaltenstherapie, Gesprächspsychotherapie, Provokativer Therapie, Biodynamischer Massage; Leiter des Institutes für Humanistische Psychotherapie Berlin (IHP) und des Fort- und Weiterbildungszentrums Berlin der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hypnose und Hypnotherapie (DGH)

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